British Pathé filmek 1 - 100.

1 - 20.

DAVIS CUP TENNIS 23/05/1932 675.27 
Ireland and Hungary meet in the second round of tennis' Davis Cup.
Cím: "Davis Cup Tennis. Ireland & Hungary meet in the second round at Fitzwilliam."
Fitzwilliam, Eire, Southern Ireland, Republic of Ireland. ( ... )

THE TRAGIC EMPRESS 14/11/1932 687.08
Memorial statue to Empress Elizabeth of Hungary - military parade.
SOUND - angol
Cím: "Budapest. The Tragic Empress. National Memorial to the beautiful Empress Elizabeth - inaugurated 34 years after her assassination."
Budapest, Hungary. Pan across square in Budapest. In the middle is a small domed building. ( ... )
[ Erzsébet királyné szobrának leleplezését mutatja be a film. Az esemény 1932. szeptember 25-én történt. ]

PACT OF GOOD TEMPER 22/03/1934 783.25
Italy, Austria and Hungary sign a document to benefit the Danube countries.
SOUND - angol
Cím: "Rome - "PACT OF GOOD TEMPER" - Italy, Austria & Hungary agree on political and economic co-operation."
Rome, Italy. Various shots of Dr Eugelbert Dollfuss, Chancellor of Austria signing several documents. Two men standing turning the pages of a document. General Goemboes, Premier of Hungary signing the papers. Il Duce, Benito Mussolini, signing a document. Close up shot of Mussolini signing a document.

Hungary wins water polo match against England 6-2.
SOUND - angol
Cím: "ALL-CONQUERING HUNGARIANS - England defeated by six goals to two in international Water Polo match at Brighton."
Brighton, East Sussex. Various shots of the international water polo match between England and Hungary. Various shots of the match. Hungary (the World Champions) wins with final score 6-2.

International table tennis tournament held at Empire Sports Arena in Wembley.
SOUND - kommentár nincs, csak a közönség hangja
World table tennis competition at Empire Pool and Sports Arena, Wembley, London. Various shots of table tennis (Ping-Pong) match between Miss Magda Gall of Hungary and Miss Kettnerova of Czechoslovakia. Miss K. wins 3 sets to 1 - retaining her world table tennis champion title. Various shots of men's singles match between Miklas Szabados and Gyozo Barna, both are Hungarian. C/U of Barna holding trophy cup - he is the world champion for the fourth year running. ( ... )

Poland and Hungary carry out battle practise and Austria holds air raid practise in Vienna.
SOUND - angol
( ... ) Hungary. Soldiers march or ride along. Various shots of guns firing and soldiers running in battle practise. M/S of Regent Nicolas Horthy de Nagybanya and Minister of war Julius Gombos watching the men. ( ... )

SANTA CLAUS IN BUDAPEST 26/12/1935 849.23
A charming working model of a Hungarian town is on show in a toy shop in Budapest, Hungary.
SOUND - angol
Hungary. Various shots of a model Hungarian landscape on show in a toy shop in Budapest, the camera pans across to show a windmill spinning around, model people here and there, houses and a church. Various shots as model cars drive around the streets and trains run along the track and through the model mountains. M/S of airship and aeroplane flying around a pole. Various shots of a waterwheel, fairground and town street.

DOWNSIDE ABBEY 16/09/1935 837.16
Prince Primate of Hungary Consecrates the Abbey Church of Downside, Somerset.
SOUND - angol
Somerset, the West Country. Pan down the Abbey Church of Downside - procession of priests in white robes leaving he Church. People around the church looking on. This is the ceremony of Consecrating the Church. Procession of Benedictine priests passing the camera. Several shots of the church. His Eminence, Cardinal Seredy (sp?) the Prince Primate of Hungary, going around the church splashing walls with Holy Water, procession of priests behind him. Cardinal blessing the church - he is rasing the church to the dignity of the Minor Basilica, informs voice-over. Several High Catholic Priests taking part in ceremony. Line of priests in black robes, praying. Cardinal kneeling in preyer before entering the church followed by other priests.

International football at Highbury: England beat Hungary 6-2.
SOUND  - angol
Highbury (Arsenal ground), London. M/S of Hungarian football team jogging onto pitch. The England team follows them. The team captains toss a coin with the referee. Various shots of match. We see Brook and Drake score goals for England. The final score is 6-2, with England the winners. [Ez a barátságos mérkőzés 1936. december 2-án volt. A gólszerzők: Drake (3), Brook, Britton, Carter, illetve Vincze Jenő, Cseh II. László.]

International football - Hungary beat Ireland.
SOUND - angol
Eire (Southern Ireland, Republic of Ireland). International football. M/S of Hungarian football team running onto the pitch. They are followed by the Irish team. M/S of team captains and referee tossing the coin. Various shots of the match. Hungary win - scoring 3 goals to Ireland's 2. [A mérkőzés 1936. december 6-án volt. Gólszerzők: Fallon, Davis (11-esből), ill. Titkos Pál, Cseh II László, Toldi Géza.]

Roundup of the latest world's news
SOUND - angol
Budapest, Hungary. A church walls which sank several feet are being lifted in Budapest. Amazingly, when that happened, the church was not demolished. The only consequence was that he bell would not ring. Now the work is done to lift he walls and hear the bells again. Various shots of the men lifting sections of the wall and filling them with new bricks. ( ... )

MORE FLOODS 25/03/1937 915.07
Disastrous floods in Hungary.
SOUND - angol
Hungary. Various shots of Hungarian countryside under water, villages, houses, farms etc. Various air shots of the huge areas of land under water. Voiceover is saying that water is o stay for some time and people are afraid of infectious diseases.
A következő magyar filmhíradó felvételeit használták fel: Magyar Világhíradó 681. (1937. március). "TAVASZI ÁRVIZEK.
Az erős olvadás és állandó esőzés miatt megduzzadt folyók jelentős területeket öntöttek el."
[A film első jelenetében a jászberényi róm. kat. templom látható. ]

Roundup of the latest world's news
SOUND - angol
Budapest, Hungary. Camera pans down round column of a memorial. German diplomat, Baron Von Neurath, walks towards the memorial, places a wreath at the base, moves back and gives a Nazi salute. Several men behind him also give a Nazi salute. He is visiting Hungary on his way to Yugoslavia and other Balkan countries for a visit. ( ... )

Germany beats Hungary at swimming competition in Berlin.
SOUND - angol
Berlin, Germany. Start of the swimming race - men dive into pool and start swimming. Crowds cheering. This is the swimming competition between Germany and Hungary at the Olympic swimming pool in Berlin. Several shots of the race. German swimmer wins he race. Close up of the winner in the pool.

TYPING TO MUSIC 22/07/1937 927.41
Women learning to type with help of music.
SOUND - angol
Budapest, Hungary. Lines of women sitting at desks in the classroom typing to the music. They start slowly and go faster and faster. Woman teacher is giving the instructions.

Hungarian folk dancing in performance to mark end of Great Paris International Exhibition.
SOUND - angol
France. Great Paris International Exhibition of 1937 comes to a close. Various shots of some of the pavilions. An outdoor shot takes place to mark the end of the exhibition - traditional acts from each nation perform. Various shots of traditional folk dance of Hungary by performers in national costume.

Various shots of the wheat harvest in Hungary.
Nincs cím.
Hungary: wheat being harvested. Men and women working in the field with scythes. Windmill in the distance. Farm scenes. Sheep being herded. Hatvan Beet Sugar factory. Men at work shovelling beet. Inside factory. Coal mine. Good shots of men going down mine-shaft in a lift then other men emerging from mine. Diosgyor. Top shot of industrial landscape. Titles not consistent with style of Pathe Pictorial or Eve's Film Review - possibly an American item.

LIFE GOES ON (print) 14/11/1932 1066.06
A look at life in a Hungarian village.
SOUND - angol
Cím: "Life goes on..." A cameo of peasant life in Hungary, where quaint backwaters still reflect a colourful past."
Hungary. Various shots of Hungarian villages and the surrounding countryside. Villagers are seen doing traditional work; making barrels for the local wine; making pottery. Women tend geese and carry goods in baskets on their heads that will be sold at the market. Curly-haired pigs and geese are seen at the market; people mill about the stalls in the village square. A pedlar sells fabrics and garments to women at the market.

LIFE GOES ON (neg) 14/11/1932 1066.15
A look at life in a Hungarian village.
SOUND - angol
[ Az előző 1066.06 számú film jobb minőségben ]

SPORTSHOTS NO 4 - VICTOR BARNA V R. D. JONES 02/01/1933 1068.29
Good footage of a practise table tennis match between Victor Barna and Davie Jones.
SOUND - angol
Full titles read: "VICTOR BARNA (World Table Tennis Champion) V R. D. JONES (leading English player). With explanatory commentary by Charles Eade Sports Editor, Sunday Express."
M/S of Eade introducing Victor Barna from Hungary. Good C/U of Barna smiling. C/U of Barna's hand gripping a table tennis bat, Eade says "Barna holds the bat so firmly that his thumb has worn away the rubber surface." Several shots of Barna playing Davie Jones in a practice match. ( ... )

21 - 40. 

THE PAMPAS OF EUROPE 20/02/1933 1070.18
Animals are herded across the Hortobagy Plain in Hungary.
SOUND - angol
Cím: "The Pampas of Europe - About a hundred miles north-east of Budapest lies a great level stretch of land known as the Hortobagy Plain. Agriculturally sterile - because of an underlying strata of salt, this unique area is the grazing ground of Central Hungary."

TELL TALE TOM 31/05/1934 1098.01
New invention for cars to help prevent hit and run car accidents, Budapest, Hungary.
SOUND - angol
Budapest, Hungary. C/U of small device attached to a car which releases tiny pieces of paper with the number of the car on it if the driver should be involved in a hit and run accident. L/S of the a car running over a large sack a man then walks across the road and picks up one of the tickets that has been released onto the road.

CAUGHT BY THE CAMERA (NO. 18) 28/01/1935 1110.21
A Swiss mountainside railway doubles as a snowplough, a man skates on stilts and Hungarian boys play pan pipes.
SOUND - angol
( ... ) In Nagykikinda, Hungary we see a local band of young boys playing pan pipes or wooden shepherd pipes. They all wear traditional uniforms.

CAUGHT BY THE CAMERA (NO. 30) 22/04/1935 1114.19
A competition for the fastest shave, a little girl with a pet lamb and Monsieur Demanche beats the record for underwater swimming.
SOUND - angol
In a hall in Budapest, Hungary we see several shots of lines of men being given a shave in a competition. A large crowd of people watch to see which barber is the fastest. ( ... )

CAUGHT BY THE CAMERA (NO. 50) 09/09/1935 1120.17
Stories in this item include the opening of a new cliff top road in Austria and a young women playing the new game of the Buxtrot in Budapest.
SOUND - angol
( ... ) L/S's of numerous women in the picturesque countryside near Budapest, Hungary. They all have an elastic band attached to their heads with a large ball at the other. The game is called the buxtrot. Several shots of the girls punching and hitting the ball with their hands and legs. M/S of the leading player demonstrating how it should be done.
{Magyar filmhíradó részlet:  Magyar Világhíradó 597. (1935. aug.) "Box-trott" }

CAUGHT BY THE CAMERA (NO. 52) 23/09/1935 1120.22
Stories in this item include a 12 year old radio operator in Australia, and a roof garden on top of a skyscraper in New York, United States of America.
SOUND - angol
( ... ) Several shots of a cross country motorcycle race near Budapest in Hungary. L/S of a competitor riding his motorbike round a sharp corner and colliding with a tree. M/S's of other speeding through a small stream. Various more shots of the competition in progress.

YOUTH MUST HAVE ITS - FENCE! 11/11/1935 1124.14
Children are taught how to fence in Budapest, Hungary.
SOUND - angol
Budapest, Hungary. Various shots of children fencing at an academy in Budapest. A young girl and boy take turns to fence with their instructor - both look very confident and competent. M/S of a line of boys in shorts and tops in fencing poses. A little girl and boy put on their wire helmets and have a brief fencing match while the others watch. At the end they shake hands.

FOLLOWERS OF ICARUS 30/12/1935 1126.15
Motor powered gliders are used at the Icarus Flying School in Hungary due to lack of hills to launch them off.
SOUND - angol
Hungary. M/S as a group of men carry a glider out of a hangar at the Icarus Flying School which makes and flies them. As the country is so flat they have to use a generator to get the glider off the ground. M/S of a wheel turning, M/S as a man straps himself onto the glider and others wave flags. L/S as it sets off attached to a rope which is connected to a generator; it flies up and dips down. C/U of motor (?) on the glider to enable the launch, M/S as a man gets in to the glider and another man powers the generator. The glider soars into the sky as people watch, it dips riding on currents. C/U of man's face watching it. M/S as it flies low over the ground past the camera.

CAUGHT BY THE CAMERA (NO. 67) 06/01/1936 1126.24
A 'Caught by the Camera' item showing renovation of St. Mathias Church spire in Budapest, a wind tunnel in Berlin, and bathing beauties from 1896.
SOUND - angol
L/S of St. Mathias Church spire in Budapest, Hungary. It is covered in scaffolding. Various shots of men renovating it and putting stones back into place. Various shots of stonemasons working of gargoyles.
[A Mátyás templom tatarozását mutatja be. Magyar filmhíradó részlet: Magyar Világhíradó 602. (1935. szept.) "A Mátyás-templom tornya" ]

THE HUNGRY BRIGADE 09/02/1931 908.07
Farm animals - two breeds of pigs and prize Hungarian sheep.
Hungary, story about wire-haired pigs. L/S of large herd of pigs running down a hill away from a farmhouse. M/S of large number of pigs - they look weird as they have long curly hair. We then see another breed of pigs - this time smooth skinned. Man pours a bucket of slops into a trough for the pigs. The pigs scrabble to get the the food, climbing over each other. Near Szarvas we see a prize Hungarian sheep. ( ... )

THE IRON MEN OF HUNGARY 09/03/1931 908.25
Work in a Hungarian foundry - various shots of men at work.
Story about foundry workers in Hungary. L/S of a foundry with a big vat of steaming and sparking metal in the foreground. The vat is transported by trolley through the foundry. The molten metal is poured down a gully and the camera follows its journey through the foundry. ( ... )

CAUGHT BY THE CAMERA (NO. 78) 23/03/1936 1130.14
Viennese birds, a village for rabbits, and a hunter shooting wild ducks are the stories Caught by the Camera.
SOUND - angol
Hungary. L/S of a Hungarian lake, M/S of a hunter and a dog walking beside it. C/U as he puts cartridges in his gun, the dog looks up. L/S of wild ducks all taking off at once from the lake. Various shots as he shoots them and they fall to the ground. ( ... )

CAUGHT BY THE CAMERA (NO. 81) 13/04/1936 1132.03
Caught by the Camera - a motorised tricycle, a car from 1898 about to start tour of Europe, and a one man sea tractor used for salvage.
SOUND - angol
( ... ) M/S of a man cranking up an old-fashioned, one cylinder motorcar, built in 1898. C/U of flags on the front. M/S as two men start off from Hungary for a tour of Europe. Everyone waves them off. C/U of one of the wheels going round. ( ... )

CAUGHT BY THE CAMERA (NO. 84) 04/05/1936 1132.16
Caught by the Camera - Floods in Southern Hungary, and girls undergoing tests to see if they will make suitable air hostesses.
Floods in Hungary. L/S of horses and carts making their way through the flooded fields in Southern Hungary. Various shots of the swollen river after it has burst its banks and covered the countryside. M/S of a pile of sandbags being used as a bridge. Various shots of the water, a horse is pulled out of the mud. C/U of collapsed building (?) in the middle of the water, M/S of the horses and carts again. ( ... )

CAUGHT BY THE CAMERA (NO. 95) 20/07/1936 1136.18
Caught by the Camera - a professor with a pet leopard in Budapest; a 104 year old Hungarian man who makes pottery; and chimpanzees in a zoo.
SOUND - angol
Budapest, Hungary. M/S as a man gets out of a car with a leopard on a chain. C/U of the man who is a professor. C/U of the leopard lying on the ground. M/S as he takes it for a walk followed by a crowd of curious people. C/U of a boy watching it.
Hungary. M/S of 104 year old Uncle Badar, he is making a pottery vase on a wheel. M/S as a lady shows him a glazed jug. M/S of a collection of his
work. ( ... )

CAUGHT BY THE CAMERA (NO. 97) 03/08/1936 1136.26
Caught by the Camera - a model of the liner "Empress of Britain"; a roller-skating championship in Milan; 17th century cannonballs found in Budapest; and buffalo in Naples.
SOUND - angol
( ... ) Budapest, Hungary. M/S of workmen working on the site of a demolished house. M/S's of 17th century cannonballs found at the site. M/S as the men roll the heavy balls up a wooden ramp, C/U of one. ( ... )

HARVEST TIMES IN HUNGARY 21/09/1936 1140.01
The people of Budapest harvest their crops and fruit, then celebrate with a festival. Hungary.
SOUND - angol
Budapest, Hungary. Various good shots of the city of Budapest and its bridge across the Danube. Various shots of fields of wheat blowing in the breeze. M/S as a man sharpens his scythe. Various shots as they gather the harvest and pick fruits from the orchards. C/U of pears. M/S as men and women pick grapes. ( ... )
[ A filmen matyó és bátai néptáncosok is láthatók. ]

CINEVIEWS IN BRIEF (NO. 7) 30/11/1936 1142.24
Cineviews in Brief this week include testing the strength of a bridge over the Danube, a squirrel hunting for nuts, and cave dwellings in Northern Hungary.
SOUND - angol
( ... ) L/S of cave dwellings on a hillside in Northern Hungary. Various shots of the natural structures as people walk about outside. M/S of a lady and her daughter feeding two pigs in their yard.

CINEVIEWS IN BRIEF (NO. 25) 12/04/1937 1150.08
Blonde models have elaborate hair styles created for George VI and ancient organ reconstructed in Budapest.
SOUND - angol
Old fashioned hair styles recreated in honour of coronation of George VI (probably in London, exact location of events unknown). Plus ancient organ unearthed at Budapest, Hungary - said to date from pre-Christian times. ( ... )

Model of Westminster Abbey, dog in Union Jack coat for coronation, umbrella with window in and fishing in ice in Hungary.
SOUND - angol
Man makes cardboard model of Westminster Abbey. Dog celebrates coronation of King George VI with Union Jack coat. Woman tries out umbrella with window in and fishermen in Hungary fish under ice. ( ... )

41 - 60.

CINEVIEWS IN BRIEF (NO. 33) 07/06/1937 1152.25
Cineviews in Brief - a 117 year old man in Lithuania, fez making in Albania, and the Royal Riding School at Budapest, Hungary.
SOUND - angol
( ... ) Budapest, Hungary. M/S of a Hungarian cavalry officer riding his horse around the ring at the Royal Riding School at Budapest. He is wearing top hat and jacket, the horse rides around in circles. M/S as horses are driven around, chariot wise, in a circle where they have to keep time to music. M/S as a man rides along on a horse, he bends over backwards from the saddle to pick up something on the ground. M/S as he leans over to the side and does it again.

CINEVIEWS IN BRIEF (NO. 64) 10/01/1938 1162.18
White cedar trees are dragged from a New Jersey swamp for house building, lead mining in Italy and the village clock in Funfkirchen, Hungary, strikes noon.
SOUND - angol
( ... ) In the old village of Funfkirchen in Southern Hungary we see the clock in the market square strike noon. Several model figures of men move around the decorated clock face while tinkly music sounds.

CINEVIEWS IN BRIEF (NO. 73) 14/03/1938 1166.12
A hairdressing show in Budapest; American university students live in wooden cabins to save money; fishermen in Prague pull huge nets of fish in from a drained lake.
SOUND - angol
( ... ) In Budapest, Hungary, we see rows of hairdressers creating fabulous hairstyles on women. C/Us of some of the finished hairdos. Lots of curls and waves in the modern styles. There are also several historical styles from the 18th and 19th centuries (including some huge Marie Antoinette styles). ( ... )

MOTHER AND CHILD! 19/12/1938 1180.22
Lots of baby animals at a zoo in Budapest.
SOUND - angol
Budapest, Hungary. Various shots of new baby animals at a zoo: a lovely little fawn (also known as a bambi) is fed with a bottle by some children, baby hippos go for a swim with their parents, a baby monkey climbs up the bars of his cage, a brown bear cub has some milk from a bottle held by a keeper.
Two chimpanzees with leads round their necks ride around on a bike together before a crowd of children. The two chimps try to do handstands on the bike and fall off.

"THE ABOVE HAS ARRIVED!" 17/07/1939 1190.04
A very cute baby giraffe wanders about his cage with his mother at Budapest Zoo.
SOUND - angol
Budapest, Hungary. Several shots of a new arrival at Budapest Zoo - a baby giraffe called Georgie with his mother. Georgie walks around their cage and hides behind his mother's legs - he is extremely cute.

THE STORKS RETURN! 29/05/1939 1196.16
Storks return to their nests in Hungary for the summer.
SOUND - angol
Hungary. Various shots of a rural town in Hungary as commentator talks of storks returning here for the summer. Several shots of storks returning to their nests on top of chimneys and rooftops.

0-0-0-0! BATS! 22/05/1939 1196.17
People walk through caves in Styria, Hungary, and find bats hanging on the walls.
SOUND - angol
Styria, Hungary. Several shots of people with flaming beacons entering a cave and walking through the dark caverns. Several shots of stalactites and stalagmites. Commentator keeps up spooky / silly commentary. Numerous bats are seen hanging upside-down, asleep, from a cave wall. A man plucks one of them off the wall and shows it to the camera before putting it back again.

BALKAN HOTCH POTCH 12/02/1940 1198.17
Good shots of a Balkan village on the border of Hungary and the Russian Ukraine.
SOUND - angol
Border of Hungary and Polish / Russian Ukraine. Pictures 'smuggled out of the Balkans' show guards patrolling the border posts between Hungary and what was the Polish Ukraine (Russian at time of this film). Lyrical shots of countryside & village life. Vill
agers in traditional dress seen going to church and chatting outside. Various shots of the village of Tesco (?) [ Técső ] on the Hungarian / Rumanian border that caused a diplomatic incident in 1939, including bullet holes on cottage walls. Good scenic shots of poor Balkan village.

THESE YOU HAVE LOATHED 24/05/1945 1155.04
Some of the German Generals caught by the Allies.
SOUND - angol
Location unknown. Several shots of Admiral Horthy, Fascist dictator of Hungary during the war. Various shots of Seyss-Inquart, Nazi Gaulitier of Holland. Various shots of Karl Hermann Frank, Deputy protector of Bohemia and Moravia. Various shots of General Dittmar, German High Command radio announcer. Various shots of Field Marshal Von Kleist. Various shots of Field Marshal Von Rundstedt. Various shots of Field Marshal Kresselring. Various shots of Grand Admiral Doenitz. Various shots of Field Marshal Hermann Goering.

Peace treaties are signed, Nice Carnival and American soldiers who stole jewels.
SOUND - angol
Meeting at the Quai D'Orsay, Paris, France to sign peace treaties with Italy, Rumania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Finland. ( ... )

Men and women in swimsuits frolic in the snow and swim in an icy lake in Budapest.
Budapest, Hungary. A girl comes out of a snow-covered house and looks at a thermometer on the wall. We then see several shots of men and women in swimsuits and swimming trunks, throwing snowballs at one another and frolicking in the ice and snow. They swim in an icy lake and stand in the water to have a drink - vodka, I hope.

(HUNGARIAN ELECTIONS) 18/09/1947 1193.21
Important elections take place in Hungary - Communists win a small majority.
SOUND - angol
Hungarian elections. - Budapest, Hungary. LS elevated shots of a large crowd listening to a political speaker, speaking from a balcony. ( ... )

AIR RAID DEFENCE 20/12/1937 945.33
Full scale air raid practice in Budapest, involving emergency services and army.
Cím: "Air raid defence practice in Budapest".
Hungary. C/U of air raid sirens. Various shots of deserted streets. Smoke bombs and fireworks are detonated in streets to give practice authenticity. Various shots of fire engines and fire men rushing to emergency. More shots of smoke bombs. Various shots of burning frame of aeroplane in street. C/U model of bomb sticking out from hole in pavement. C/U of burning gas coming out of broken pipe. ( ... )

FOOTBALL IN SWEDEN 28/02/1938 955.52
Young men practice football skills in a sports hall in Sweden.
SOUND - angol
Sweden. Various shots of young men in football training, practicing in a sports hall. Their trainer is Nagy of Hungary and he shows them his dribbling and goal-shooting techniques.

A WEDDING IN HUNGARY 15/10/1931 948.07
Traditional wedding celebrations in Hungary.
"How Eve loves a wedding! In Hungary it is the event of events - the getting ready of the Bride." M/S of a group of ornately dressed women, traditional costume. They place a large head dress on the head of the bride to be. "Queer, isn't it, but no one seems to worry about the groom's preparations - it's Eve's day." The women fuss over the young bride. ( ... )
[Egy matyó lakodalmat mutat be a film. A mezőkövesdi Szent László templom látható az egyik jelenetben. ]

Politicians speaking to the masses in Home Rule Election Campaign in Hungary.
Teljes cím: "WE COVER THE COVER THE WORLD FOR NEWS - and views. - Our Cameraman in Hungary sends pictures of the Home rule Election Campaign."
Hungary. L/S's of Hungarian horse riders in traditional costume riding past large building. L/S of large crowds listening to man giving speech. M/S of a very animated political speaker.

GOVERNOR HORTHY 21/08/1922 278.36
Governor Horthy and people celebrate 3rd Anniversary of defeat of Bolshevism.
Teljes cím: "GOVERNOR HORTHY - and Hungarian people celebrate 3rd Anniversary of defeat of Bolshevist regime."
M/S of Governor Horthy surrounded by Hungarian ladies. One woman hands over a bouquet of flowers to Horthy, he chats to her. L/S of Horthy saluting military soldiers as they march past. Good M/S of Hungarian leader Admiral Miklos Horthy.

MOTION PICTURE LINK (aka A MOTION PICTURE LINK WITH MIDDLE AGES) 07/09/1922 282.03 Procession through the streets of Budapest led by the nobility and the Clergy, Hungary.
Teljes cím: "A Motion Picture Link with Middle Ages - Hungarian nobility escort Sacred Hand of St. Stephen - Hungary's first King - on National Fete Day.
Budapest, Hungary. Group shot of traditional Hungarian Guards in full uniform. High angle shots of procession walking through streets. L/S of the procession, people are dressed in traditional costumes. L/S of clergymen carrying the Sacred Hand of Stephen. L/S's of dignitaries milling around chatting to one another.
[A Szent
Jobb körmenetről szól a film ]

ADMIRAL HORTHY 19/03/1923 300.22
Admiral Horthy meets many people helping him celebrate his 3rd year as Governor of Hungary.
Cím: "Admiral Horthy official celebrations in honour of 3rd year as Governor of Hungary. Budapest."
M/S of a man in fur robes talking to the Admiral who salutes. M/S as he stands with a group of people and salutes again, there are several clergymen in the background. Various shots as he salutes to soldiers and they walk off. He greets various people and goes down the street in coach and horses. He is presented with a trophy and gives a speech. M/S as he talks to some men, he then walks off down the road.

SEEING FOR HIMSELF 14/06/1923 308.04
Hungary's ruler, Governor Horthy, goes down the mine on visit to coalfields.
Cím: "Seeing for himself. Governor Horthy, Hungary's democratic ruler, descends mine in overalls during visit to coalfields. Hungary."
A soldier salutes Governor Horthy who is in uniform. Various shots as he talks to the coal miners. M/S as he comes out in overalls and hat which look like fishermen's waterproofs. M/S of him in the lift with the miners, it descends into the mine.

61 - 80.

GERMAN ARMY PARADE 29/08/1938 977.58
German troops march past in a parade for Admiral Horthy of Hungary.
SOUND - angol
Berlin, Germany. Various shots of German troops marching (goose-stepping) past Governor Admiral Horthy, Dictator of Hungary in a huge military parade. German children watching in the crowds make the Nazi salute. Soldiers on horseback, large artillery guns and army tanks also take part in the parade. ( ... )

Travelogue showing traditional dress and dance of Hungary.
Cím: "On the great plains of Hungary where houses may be miles apart, and young people store up their energy for week-end merry-making in the village."
Travelogue. L/S of group of women in national dress. A horse drawn cart draws up and other elaborately dressed women get out. Various shots of the women in their finery. "For gaudy taste in festive raiment, the Hungarian has no equal among his sex!" M/S of three men posing - they hold hands. ( ... )
A filmen szereplők matyó népviseletben vannak. Mezőkövesd környékén készülhetett.

Sopron and district handed over to Hungary from Austria.
Cím: "Delivered from Austrian Yoke. British troops take part in imposing ceremony handing over Sopron and district to Hungary".
Hungary, Eastern Europe. M/S of two officers amongst group of men, one wears impressive uniform with fur and brocade. L/S of troops (not British, Hungarian?) marching through crowd lined streets. M/S of crowds cheering and waving Hungarian flags. M/S of troops passing crowds with eyes right, officers in crowd salute. Brief M/S of officers shaking hands and saluting.

USAAF flies between Italy and Ukraine, crews are entertained by Soviet Air Force personnel.
SOUND - angol
Cím: "New Shuttle Service to Russia".
Russia (Soviet Union, USSR).
Various aerial shots of B.17 aeroplanes of the USAAF (United States Air Force) flying over mountains. The opening of new Allied air front has been created by new shuttle service between Italy and Ukraine. Various aerial shots of planes bombing of targets in Hungary and Rumania (aka Romania). ( ? )

A WATERY WORLD 11/01/1926 444.23
All over Europe flooding causes catastrophe.
Cím: "A Watery World! 200,000 people rendered homeless in worst floods for many years in Hungary".
Point of view shot from the front of a boat moving through a flooded village, ducks swim past half submerged trees and cottages. L/S of a rowing boat passing a row of flooded cottages (image cropped into a circle shape). ( ... )

HUNGARY (aka TOKAY) 04/11/1946 1414.03
Villagers of Tokay celebrate the successful grape harvest with procession in front of President.
SOUND - angol
Cím: Tokay.
Hungary. Various shots of the crowd watching the procession and carnival to celebrate successful grape harvest, teams of bullocks pull carts through the streets. M/S of President Zoltan Tildy, his wife, and members of the Hungarian government watching the proceedings from a wooden platform. Various shots of peasants in National costume performing ancient village dances before the President. C/U's bottles of wine and bunches of grapes. C/U President Tildy receiving a gift of a bottle of Tokay wine. C/U villagers sampling the wine.

THE WEEK THAT WELCOMED 1948 01/01/1948 1418.06
Roundup of the latest news.
SOUND - angol
Several shots of the President of Yugoslavia Marshal Josip Broz Tito in Naval regalia, inspecting troops in Budapest. Close up shot of a steel helmeted soldier with raised rifle. Marshal Tito laying a wreath on the war memorial. Close up shot of the wreath showing a Communist star on the ribbon. Marshal Tito saluting the wreath. Hungary's premier Lajos Dinnyes stands by his side. Marshal Tito and Lajos Dinnyes sitting down at table and signing pact for mutual aid between the two countries. Close up shot of the pact being signed. Marshal Tito and Lajos Dinnyes shake hands as watching diplomats cheer and applaud. (01:29:17) ( ... )

JUMPS AND JUMPERS 26/03/1936 1658.38
Horse riding and jumping display in Italy and young racehorses trained in Hungary.
SOUND - angol
Italy. Various shots of soldiers riding around on horses in a park or enclosure and horse jumping. Civilians and soldiers watch - could be some kind of military horse-riding display. At a different location - Hungary? - we see various shots of young racehorses being trained to run round an outdoor track. Men in military (?) uniform and civilians look on.

SUNDAY IN BUDAPEST 11/04/1935 1618.06
The people of Budapest relax through their traditional Sunday pastimes.
SOUND - angol
Various shots of buildings and sights of the Hungarian capital of Budapest.
We then see several traditional Sunday activities - people watch the changing of the guard ceremony, local women sell embroidery in a market, locals in traditional costume do folk dancing in a beer garden, people in swimsuits go boating on the River Danube while others visit an outdoor swimming pool complete with wave machine.

Great scenic footage of several countries as we travel down the River Danube.
SOUND - angol
Various locations in Central Europe.
General view of Vienna in Austria. Views from the countryside and scenery as we travel along the River Danube on a pleasure cruiser. We pass through Czechoslovakia and see oarsmen guiding their rafts along the river. Views of the Gran Monastery where all the Kings of Hungary have been crowned. We then pass Budapest and see the Parliament buildings facing onto the river. Then on into Roumania (Romania / Rumania) where the river widens and becomes choppy. Final shots show the sun starting to set over the river.

BLOW PIPE ART! 22/08/1935 1648.23
A young man called Istvan Komaromy makes figures in glass over a blow lamp.
SOUND - angol
Cím: 'BLOW PIPE Art!'
Budapest, Hungary. Various shots of a young man called Istvan Komaromy modelling a figure in glass over a blow lamp. We see him making a figure of a girl and a stand for the model. He fuses the figure to the stand. It's called 'Aurora Greeting the Sun'. Istvan then makes a model of the cameraman who is filming him. The finished model is very good. Several shots of other models Istvan has made.

A 'rowing' tricycle, a streamlined pram and rural life in Transylvania.
SOUND - angol
( ... ) In Transylvania, Hungary, we see a man carrying a carved object from his front porch - could be a buffalo yoke. On the plains buffalo are grazing. Thirty of the animals are harnessed to a plough and work to carve a ditch through a field. Several men tend the buffalos to keep them on course and others guide the plough. ( ... )

Men move fish from ponds in Hungary, a cycling car and a solar furnace in action.
SOUND - angol
In Hungary we see various shots of men bringing in a huge catch of fish from the ponds of Tata (sp?) that are used to restock the other waters throughout the country. The fish are put in tanks and wheeled off. ( ... )

French army drummers, woman coal heaver and skittles match in Vienna.
SOUND - angol
( ... ) In Vienna we see several shots of men taking part in an international skittles match between Hungary and Austria. A group of people watch the match and cheer the players when they get a winning shot.

Selected Originals - OLYMPIC SWIMMING 22.38
Material relating to newsreel story "Olympic Swimming" - 52/63.
Selected Originals (offcuts, selected scenes, out-takes, rushes) for story "Olympic Swimming" - 52/63.
Mute versions of Newsreel Stories - first shot not superimposed
Katalin Szoke of Hungary wins Olympic Womens' 100 m Free Style Swimming. Helsinki, Finland ( ... )

WEMBLEY: ENGLAND V. HUNGARY 30/11/1953 126.23
Football match between England and Hungary ended with Hungary winning by 6 goals to 3
SOUND - angol
Wembley, London. SV teams taking field. GV packed crowd. GV kick off, England in white shirts, playing right to left. LV Hungary attacking - ball to Hidegkuti. SV Hidegkuti shoots and scores. CU man removes glasses. LV crowd cheering. LV England attack. Alf Ramsey draws a man before flicking ball to Stanley Matthews. Matthews centres. SV Grosics harassed by Mortensen drops ball and is forced to throw himself on ball, finishing upside down. Zoom - Grosics righting himself and clearing. SV Hungarian reserves and officials watching. ( ... )

HUNGARIAN RHAPSODY 31/05/1954 164.21
Hungary wins 7-1. Now comes the question: "How can England climb back on top again?"
SOUND - angol
Wembley Stadium, London. GV Wembley Stadium - England v Hungary. SV victorious Hungarian eleven, congratulating each other. CU Hungarian victory medals specially struck. SV Hungarian player walking to receive medal. SV football managers arriving in March for meeting. CU Sir Stanley Rouse greeting managers. SCU Matt Busby, Manchester United and John Carey, Blackburn Rovers. ( ... )

US Forest fire, Seretse Khama wants to go home, Budapest zoo babies & Babe Zaharias dies.
SOUND - angol
( ... ) Budapest Zoo, Hungary. SV. Towards, mother and baby hippo. SV. Crowds watching. SV. Mother and baby hippo stand at water's edge and baby hippo goes in. SCU. Children watching. CU. Mother and baby slumbering in the water. LV. Baby elephant walks along in front of spectators at the Zoo, closely watched by mother. CU. Small boys in crowd watching. LV. Mother and baby, the baby walks from one side of her round the front to the other side. CU. Baby elephant just going underneath mother's tummy and out the other side. ( ... )

British men athletes lose narrowly against Hungary while women win.
SOUND - angol
Budapest, Hungary. GV. The two teams, Hungary and Great Britain walking onto the arena at the start of the athletic meeting in Budapest. GV. Massed crowd. LV. British and Hungarian girl athletes exchange flowers in centre of arena. CU. Girls run back to their respective teams. GV. Massed crowds at stadium. CU. Starter fires gun. LV. The runners start for the 5,000 metres and camera pans with them. Sandor Iharos from Hungary goes straight into the lead followed by Chris Chataway. ( ... )

Material related to newsreels story "British Athletes Surprise Hungary (aka British Athletes in Hungary)" - 56/80.

81 - 100. 

Selected Originals - SUPPORT FOR HUNGARY 609.19
Material related to newsreel story "Support for Hungary" - 56/91.

Former communist Dr Edith Bone is back from Hungary after 7 years in gaol.
SOUND - angol
London. CV. Hungarian born British woman Dr Edith Bone who is finally released from Hungarian gaol after 7 years, smiling and listening to reporter. GV. Interviewer and Dr Bone, looking at a newspaper. CV. Dr Bone. Natural sound begins: ( ... )

Lord Mayor of London appeals to Londoners to donate the money for Hungarian refugees.
SOUND - angol
Children standing beside an armed guard at the graveside. SV. Women with head scarves at the grave side, one of them weeping. GV. Coffins covered with flowers in a large grave. GV. The frontier post between Hungary and Austria. GV. Refugees coming towards the frontier including children carrying little bundles. SV. Refugees on a cart.

THE REFUGEE SITUATION 09/05/1957 651.06
Hungarian refugees go on hunger strike in protest against not being allowed to go to America.
SOUND - angol
Limerick, Southern Ireland (Eire, Republic of Ireland). ( ... ) SV. Refugee children sitting beside classroom tables looking towards camera. GV. The ambulance arriving at the camp which is bringing the post. CU. Irish Red Cross Society badge on side of ambulance. SCU. Camera pans as a letter is handed out to one of the refugees. CU. Postcard which has been received by one of the refugees from Hungary. SV. Refugee children outside hut which is their home, skipping. CU. Little Hungarian girl. SV. Mother comes to door of the hut and calls the children inside for a meal, they turn and run in. SV. One of the two families who share the hut. ( ... )

Hungary beats Scotland by 4 goals to 2 in a football match held at Hampden Park Stadium.
SOUND - angol
Hampden Park Stadium, Glasgow, Scotland. This is shorter version of the newsreel story "Special - HAMPDEN PARK - SCOTLAND V HUNGARY" found on the same tape *PM0491*. Several shots from the beginning of the special story (people heading to stadium, Scottish pipe band etc.) as well as a few less significant actions are cut out to make this report. Full description of the match report can be found in file 54/97 Special.

Hungary beats Scotland by 4 goals to 2 in a football match held at Hampden Park Stadium.
SOUND - angol
Hampden Park Stadium, Glasgow, Scotland. LV Crowd arriving at Stadium. Sleet, & SV & LV. SV Pan, crowds through turnstile. SV Towards and pan, Scots pipe band in arena. SV Hungarians in track suits taking field. SV Captains exchange pennants, and referee tosses up. SV Crowd. GV Hungary kick-off and start mild attack. SV Crowd. LV Hungary attacking. Ball to left wing. Nandor (Sandor) Hidegkuti receives, shoots at goalkeeper's legs. Ball cleared and passes to Haddock after ball has been deflected. Haddock shoots down field, Ring chases it. SV Crowd. LV Ring dribbles to goal tackled but manages to pass ball to Johnstone who shoots off side goal. ( ... )

Selected Originals - Special - HAMPDEN PARK - SCOTLAND V HUNGARY (aka SCOTLAND V HUNGRY) 491.07
Material related to newsreel story "Special - Hampden Park - Scotland V Hungary (aka Scotland V Hungry)" - 54/97.
Selected originals (offcuts, selected scenes, out-takes, rushes) for story "Special - Hampden Park - Scotland V Hungary (aka Scotland V Hungry)" - 54/97. This is mute duplicate of the newsreel story (Special - longer version). No new material found.

WOLVES BEAT HONVED 16/12/1954 493.05
Wolves, after being 2 down, recover and beat Hungarian football champion Honved 3-2.
SOUND - angol
Molineux Ground, Wolverhampton. SV. Teams coming out onto field at the Molineux Ground, Wolverhampton. Side view, mass crowds. GV. Wolves (Wolverhampton Wanderers) kick off in dark shorts. Honved, Hungarian Champion team, dressed in white with stripes on jersey. Ball goes to the right wing, with Wolves attacking. SV. Johnny Hancocks with ball. He shoots and goal keeper Farago runs out to punch clear, but ball quickly goes to Leslie Smith No 11, who shoots but ball just goes past post. ( ... )

RUSSIA PUTS A POSER 14/04/1958 1525.16
Gromyko speaks about end of Soviet A bomb tests - Khruschev visits Hungary.
SOUND - angol
Moscow, Russia / Soviet Union. ( ... ) GV Russian aircraft at an airport in Budapest, Hungary. SV Crowds waving. SV Khruschev coming forward from the steps of the plane, shakes hands with a Hungarian official and then kisses him on both cheeks, he then goes to another man and repeats the process. SV Crowds watching. SV Elevated shot of Khruschev walking down a line and shaking hands with officials. GV Showing big crowds assembled. SV Khruschev addressing the crowd.

Selected Originals - RUSSIA PUTS A POSER 1525.22
Material relating to newsreel story "Russia Puts A Poser" - 58/30.
Selected originals (offcuts, selected scenes, out-takes, rushes) for story "Russia Puts A Poser" 58/30. Extra shots for newsreel story. Budapest, Hungary. GV Aircraft taxiing. GV Mr Nikita Khruschev coming out of aircraft and down steps. GV Ranks of Hungarian soldiers presenting arms. GV Mr Khruschev and two other officials walking towards army officer who has sword raised in front of him in salute. GV Mr. Khruschev and the two other officials looking towards the camera. ( ... )

GWYL CYMRU 1958 05/05/1958 1529.15
Duke of Gloucester is in Cardiff to see the opening procession of the Festival of Wales.
SOUND - angol
Cím: "Gwyl Cymru 1958".
Cardiff, Wales. Festival of Wales.
GV Procession passing the city hall led by a 40ft. steel red dragon on which rides Dame of Wales, Miss Mari Owen. ( ... ) GV Procession of boys and girls from foreign countries which include Hungary, Poland and the Ukraine. LV Group of Indian men and women in the procession. LV Crowd shot. ( ... )

HOLIDAY ROUNDUP 29/05/1958 1533.06
Good round up of events taking place over the Whitsun holiday.
SOUND - angol
Cím: "Whitsun. Holiday Round Up".
( ... ) White City Stadium, London. GV Runners coming up to the start of the International 2 mile. CU Starter firing gun. LV Field of runners starting and BV round bend. LV Gordon Pirie lying 5th in 4th place is Szabo, of Hungary, and Derek Ibbotson in second place. CU Man looking through long binoculars. LV Runners rounding bend in same order. LV Spectators. LV Ibbotson starting to pass Stan Eldon. SV Spectators applauding as runners come into final straight. LV Szabo running level with Ibbotson and then passing him very closely followed by Pirie. LV Pirie running neck and neck with Szabo, Pirie manages to break tape a few inches in front of Szabo. LV Spectators. CU Pirie at end of the race. ( ... )

SOLDIERS CONTEST IS 'ALL IN' 20/10/1958 1549.19
Soldiers compete in 8th Modern Pentathlon Championships in Aldershot.
SOUND - angol
Cím: "Aldershot. Soldiers Contest Is 'All In'".
Aldershot, Hampshire. VIIIth Modern Pentathlon World Championships. ( ... ) GV Swimming championships in progress. Start of heat CU Lt. PJ Harvey of Great Britain swimming. SV Army personnel watching from balcony. CU Pan Novikov of Russia swimming and turning. SV Pan Tatarinov of Russia swimming and turning. SV Winning heat 10 from RM Stoll of the USA. SV Army personnel applauding. CU Tatarinov getting out of pool. SV Tatarinov congratulating Balczo of Hungary. ( ... )

Hungary's President Dobi joins a mass wedding at a collective farm.
SOUND - angol
Angol filmhíradó az 1958. októberi mezőtúri esküvőről, ahol hét jegyespár esküdött egyszerre.

RECORD WHITSUN 21/05/1959 1581.21
Crowds at Southend, caravan rally, chimps tea party and athletics on Whitsun holiday.
SOUND - angol
Various locations of events. ( ... ) At White City Stadium in London we see various shots of the British Games taking place before a large crowd. DH Jones wins 220 yards International Invitation Event. PB Hildreth wins 120 yards hurdles. Mike Rawson wins 880 yards event over Germany, Poland and Hungary runners. Other athletes seen include M Foik, Dave Segal, JL Tait, KH Kruse. ( ... )

Chefs from around the world enjoy a sumptuous lunch chosen by Egon Ronay.
SOUND - angol
Cím: "London. Burp".
International Gastronomic luncheon at the Kensington Palace Hotel, London.
GV Int, chefs from America, Belgium, Germany, Hungary, Spain and Turkey working in kitchen on menu. SV Budapest chef holding up fish for preparation of Fogash Froid. CU Turkish chef chopping onions very quickly without looking at them, as he talks to someone. ( ... )

Great athletics at White City - 2 mile record smashed and 3 men run a mile in under 4 minutes.
SOUND - angol
White City, London. SV. Crowd watching racing at White City. CU. Starter with gun. He fires it to start the one mile international race. SV. Towards, runners as they get away from their mark. Pan with them to first bend. GV. Pan, field strung out. No 6, Gordon, Great Britain, first. Second Chris Chataway, Great Britain, third No 9, Tabori from Hungary. SV. Crowds watching. ( ... )

CROP SPRAYING 03/11/1955 555.13
Novel Hungarian irrigation device - crop spraying by boat.
SOUND - angol
Alcisiszget, Hungary. CU. Cabbages - pan up to watering ship in operation - squiring jets of water over fields on both sides of 'canal'. CU. Watering ship squiring water in either side of fields. SCU. Men standing by pumping machinery on ship. SV. Jet of water falling on field pan back down jet to ship. CU. Nossle with stream of water pouring from it. GV. Ship, pan with jet of water. GV. Ship with jets screaming water over field.
A filmhez felhasználták a következő magyar filmhíradó képeit:
36/1955. 4. Csak röviden. c) Öntözőhajó [az Alcsi-szigeti állami gazdaságban]

Gymnasts of Soviet Union meet Czech, Bulgarian and Hungarian rivals in Kiev, Ukraine.
SOUND - angol
Kiev, Ukraine, Soviet Union (USSR). International gymnastics competition with contestants from USSR, Bulgaria, Hungary and Czechoslovakia in progress. LV. The hall with gymnast Victor Chukarin of the USSR on the parallel bars. LV. Massed crowd. ( ... )

In Hungary Danube floods large territories and the Army helps with rescue works.
SOUND - angol
GV. Soldiers working on bank of river Danube. LV. Possessions being loaded onto a boat from the roof of a house. TV. Submerged village, camera tilts down to show men carrying furniture and other possessions up the hill. CV. Truck moving with people and geese - brilliant shot - would be an excellent still! LV. Raft crossing river with people and lorries (this could be the ferry). GV. Pigs running ashore. GV. The river in flood rushing under the bridge.
